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We welcome those who are single, married, divorced, widowed, straight, gay, old, young or somewhere in between.
We welcome wailing babies, excited toddlers, lonely parents, children and teenagers.
We welcome those who work too hard, don’t work or can’t spell. Those who are sick, anxious and worried or need to talk about such problems or just be with others who are friendly and helpful.
We welcome those who could use a prayer right now and those who may have had religion forced down their throats as children and feel switched off but still in search of something or are just plain curious.
We welcome locals, doubters, pilgrims, seekers and YOU!
St. John’s is open each day
for prayer, reflection, peace and quiet
8.00am Eucharist
10.00am Sung Eucharist
6.00pm Evensong
9.00am Morning Prayer – Monday to Thursday
12.00 pm Eucharist – Tuesdays
6.30pm Iona Eucharist – 1st Wednesday of each month beginning April 2024